Thursday 14 July 2011

Who are the real Terrorists

Yes, yesterdays Mumbai Bomb blasts have forced to me write this blog. I have lived in Mumbai for last 11 years. I have seen the ups & downs in Mumbai; I have witnessed many terror activities in those eleven years. I really enjoyed the never say die attitude of Mumbai people. I have never skipped office due to terror attack like lakhs of Mumbaiites, in fact I was on the Local train in which bomb blast happened at Borivalli station and I travelled in local trains as soon as their services resumed. Yesterday also I have alerted all my friends about the bomb blast and as usual they are in their offices today..............

But how long this is going to continue?  Who are the real terrorists? Who is responsible for these situations?

Are the people across the border responsible, for how long we are going to blame them; are we not aware that lots of terror camps are running in Pakistan & POK. We are having so many intelligence agencies like RAW, IB, NRTO (National Technical Reconnaissance organisation), DIA (defence intelligence agency), Joint cipher Bureau, Signals intelligence directorate, Directorate of Navy intelligence & Directorate of Air intelligence who are primarily responsible gathering information about enemies of the country. Apart from these to specially combat terror in India -National Investigation agency was formed in 2008 (aftermath of 2008 Mumbai attacks). What are all these agencies doing, are they not responsible for intelligence failure & terror attacks in India. Thousands of crores of rupees are being spent on these agencies (budgets of many of these agencies are classified) and what is our great National security advisor is doing (has anyone heard of Mr. Shiv Shankar Menon expect for his appointment last year)

It has taken 2.5 hrs for NIA to reach Mumbai (through BSF Plane) and 12 hrs for Forensic experts from Delhi to reach Mumbai. Can’t Mumbai have NIA & CFSL branches in Mumbai (apart from being financial capital of India, Mumbai is geographically & logistically well poised to have better access to any part of India). After formation of NIA, 5 terror attacks occurred on India (excluding yesterday’s attack); not a single case has been neither concluded nor any substantial evidence gathered.  Our great Home minister says NIA will investigate the case and he will not comment on who is responsible for Yesterday’s terror attack, but when he is going to comment. Mr. Home minister is yet to confirm the people behind the 5 terror attacks and our National security advisor is nowhere to be seen. Who is responsible for the safety & security of Indian citizens? This congress lead government is worst I have ever seen, most impotent trying to save its government & pleasing the congress leadership. Our opposition BJP is equally irresponsible, it will be happy because it has got another issue to stall the parliament proceedings in the coming monsoon session.

Now tell me who are the real terrorists? Are those people across our border whom we know that they are planning day & night to attack our country or our great politicians who are responsible for forcing us to live in these kind of terrorised atmosphere. Our politicians are like parasites & termites making our country hollow by looting all our national wealth. Today our country is only being regulated by Judiciary (even this not corrupt free)

Now its upto  the every citizen of India to save this great country. Like we have united for the cause of Lokpal bill (off course we have not succeeded in this cause yet); we have to unite again to fight for amendment in constitution for getting our crucial weapons  Negative Vote and  recall of (inefficient)elected representatives to make these politicians responsible.

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